Let Food Be Thy Medicine

Kibukan DNA TreeWhat is your prescription for today?  Will you choose foods that help and/or heal your body or hurt it?  Is food your medicine or your poison?

I am fascinated by the knowledge scholars had so long ago.  On one hand essentially nothing has changed – there is nothing new under the sun (that one’s from Solomon).  

“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food” ~ Hippocrates

Hippocrates was right then and is right still – we are what we eat.  However, these days we move less and eat more and yes we are less healthy because of it.

When was the last time you got up to change the channel on the TV?  Hey, that burned some calories!  Now we can even order anything we want on line and it comes right to our front door.  We don’t even need to get out of the lounge chair or the car of that matter (drive through anyone?).  On the other hand, what we do have are tools to help us make better choices.  Today I even saw a new app called “Find Real Food” – a shopping guide to the highest quality foods – wow!  While this is perhaps a great tool, how about doing it the “old fashioned way”?  Here are just a few quick tips for you to mull over.  Pick one and let it be your “medicine” for today.

  • Write down every thing you eat – are you shocked or encouraged at the end of the day?
  • Read a food label.  Can you pronounce all the ingredients?
  • Drink an extra glass of water today (add one more tomorrow)
  • Eliminate 1 packaged food item and replace it with 1 fresh food (i.e. fruit or veggies)
  • Take the stairs instead of an elevator or escalator
  • Park far away from the front entrance (be sure its still safe and well lit)
  • Stretch or go for a walk during your lunch break.